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“You will either invest in your team to learn and they might leave with your free education, or you don’t invest in them to learn and they will remain dumb and stay.” John Maxwell, businessman and educator

Many companies have hired people to take advantage of business opportunities, but have discovered the new hires did not mesh well with the company. The companies often lurch along playing catch up.  Worse yet, the new hires might not fit at all and the company has to let them go and start the process all over again.

FSR, based in Annapolis, Md., has helped many companies in bringing on new staff members the right way. FSR uses the Birkman system, which has the benefit of being in use for over 60 years and a treasure trove of analytics to determine the best way to integrate people into a company.

The Birkman training helps people leverage their personality at work. As the phrase implies, Birkman methods help people apply their strengths where most useful and interact effectively with teams of people who might have not worked well together in the past. That is only possible as employees learn how to communicate effectively. These communication skills will be brought to light through the sessions and help key people become coaches for effective group dynamics.

These skills are especially helpful when it comes to integrating new people into existing teams. Birkman training will help people mesh together.

The Birkman Method’s questionnaire creates some 40 reports that stimulate:

  • Leadership development
  • Executive coaching
  • Team building
  • Professional development
  • Career exploration

Each report describes an individual’s personality in detail. The questionnaire requires about 45 minutes to complete.

The Birkman method also helps show leaders and team members how to become more self aware and how to understand their personal leadership style. In short, they become more engaged, fulfilled and productive.

Effective Employee Training

To learn how the Birkman method can be used at your organization to produce better communication and bottom-line results, contact the specialists at FSR: or call 866-886-2300.